Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Average Size Of Toilet Paper Cardboard

Taboulé potatoes and shrimp.

not have escaped from the blog, but ... I want to produce something but to be published in the last three weeks home just to sleep.
But I'm happy, very happy, for the first time this year, I participated in the swap, I love to think about gifts, I always start well in advance, then of course added the last purchase, but this is just a small detail , well this year I decided to participate, something totally new for me, I was paired with two bloggers, and Serena Barbara. For now we are in a learning phase, but I must admit that it's really fun to steal information on a person to whom until a week ago it was unaware of the existence and it's nice to know what you lightweight images, really a great feeling. Soon I will start thinking about how to send these packages, in short, just the logistics, the inner packaging, in short, everything is constructive.
So while I think about what and how to put things I want to send, peep their blog ... I feel like the Lady in Yellow, model Mrs. Santa Claus.
What I present hour is not a typical Christmas dish, I would say over the summer, but when I'm hungry I eat, I mean now, I can not wait, if not then I go and hello!
So tabouli has become a common dish in our house this summer in Corsica I bought all sorts, the five cereals, rye, practically everything that was I took it strange, this was a remnant normal ... So
summarize, hunger, famine, hunger = = tabouli food immediately, all right?
For this dish I am served,
160g of cous cous (if we want to be precise we ate in three);
2 small potatoes;
shrimp (I always abound, I like crazy);
ginger powder;
1 / 2 lemon;
Since I was hungry so hungry I've done, I peeled potatoes and I cut them into pieces small children, I have plunged into the water and brought to a boil with two inches of water. I took
frozen shrimp and have them immersed in cold water with a little 'of baking, I've added in the first and cotti.Scolati pan with diced potatoes, I combined all the cous cous and extinguished the fire.
I added to the pan juice of half a lemon, a bit of a teaspoon of ginger powder, I let it sit for a maximum of five minutes.
Serve and garnish with a little 'of parsley, finely chopped.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Low Vitamin D And High Ferritin

Muffins feta and spinach.

And again muffins? It muffins again, what's better than a starter which is prepared in half an hour? For me it's a godsend!
I have to say that eventually ate them all my friend for a lunch break at work, he is the professional shredding muffins, luck is that she loves those salty and not sweet, so I can gorge themselves with seconds ... I'm greedy, very greedy, even to make them start again soon, I have a couple of interesting recipe to try, in case if I can not eat any more I put them in the freezer.
E 'already couple of times I resist the temptation to buy the book on cupcakes, I think someone in the house would kill me ... I begin to have an exclusive library ... but now that I have the excuse of the contest ...

Okay go, proceed with the ingredients for 12 muffins:
250g frozen spinach;
350 g of flour;
3 teaspoons baking powder;
2 eggs;
oil to taste, 2 tablespoons yogurt
200 g feta;
1 / 2 teaspoon salt.
do not know if it was a mistake or not, but I have not cut the feta into cubes, I crumbled with the prongs of a fork, so the dough did not see the cheese but he felt the taste.
As usual, we must mix the dry ingredients in a bowl and other solid fuels. as little as possible mixing them together and bake in oven preheated to 200 ° C for 15 minutes, then lower to 170 ° C and continue for another 15 minutes.
Cool on wire rack and serve.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sentinel Safenes Superpro

ginger cookies and lemon.

Questo è mio primo Natale con il blog, il che significa che finalmente avrò tutte le ricette di biscotti finalmente in ordine da qualche parte! Già perché con mia sorella qualche anno fa è cominciata la tradizione di fare biscotti per tutto il parentame, avendo parecchi zii e zie lontani è stato un pensiero carino per allietarli con la nostra “presenza”, quest’anno su sette zii ne avremo ben quattro presenti e non so se io e mia sorella ci riuniremo lo stesso, anche perché vi posso assicurare che biscottare per cinque, sei ore di fila dopo aver lavorato è veramente faticoso, oltretutto sia lei sia io siamo in un periodo lavorativo abbastanza pesante per cui, non so, per ora non ne abbiamo ancora parlato, if the scatter some pictures certainly Sorriso.
These are by far the favorite cookies of Nicholas, is able to eat a dozen without realizing it, I always like them to him I always had ginger powder in the house, this time I had a little 'fast and I did not care much shape, but I must say that they have come good.
I note that I am dumb, and even a lot, usually my brownie recipes have never such a dose equal to the biscuit dough ovis is minimal, this is enough and that of the chestnut biscuits too not to take them to the nearby neighborhood. I
to overcome this problem freeze dough and I know from experience that the flavor does not change, you just have to be careful to remove from the freezer the night before to get them the next day. In a book of cookies later, I read that it would be better for the purpose of saving energy, attacking the oven to bake once more dough ... this is why when I make biscuits we lose an entire afternoon ...

And now the ingredients to bake pans of cookies at least 3:

300 g of flour "00";
150 g of sugar;
100 g of butter, 1 egg
juice and rind of one organic lemon;
2 teaspoons ground ginger abundant;
1 cucchiaino di lievito;
1 pizzico di sale.
Mescolare lo zucchero all’uovo, aggiungere la scorza di limone grattugiata, Aggiungere quindi la farina, lo zenzero, il burro (in pezzi) e il lievito.
Per ultimo aggiungere il succo di limone e comporre la palla dell’impasto, lasciarla riposare in frigo una mezz’oretta.
Formare dei biscotti di 5/6 mm di spessore e infornare a 180°c per 15 minuti con forno statico (così non saranno sbruciacchiati da nessuna parte, cosa che con il forno ventilato accade per cui, o usate il ventilato e al settimo minuto ruotate la leccarda o usate il forno statico).
Volendo per colorare un po’ il biscotto potete usare un tuorlo d’uovo, sbatterlo e passare above to biscuits with a pastry brush, will remain bright.