Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Homemade Straight Shota

roll with chocolate cream biscuits bicerin

few days ago I had a friend that a lot 'of time before I had got the cream bicerin , he he's eaten jars and jars ... I have not dropped in cabinet 'Till I got the brilliant idea to combine it with a sweet, what I brought to dinner with friends.
The most obvious thing is to have the ingredients for the cake, or rather, to be clear and the time to do it ... but I'm just like if I say "port, the sweet" I have to do, whatever the cost.
We start from the starting point: I had been shopping and the fridge looked like a wasteland where only a piece of Parmesan and a good deal 'made with chestnut flour company with mullet and aspirin.
Then I had timed toh ... that news, so, after the hairdresser, after the ride to Turin and spending, I missed that hour and a half or two, to make the cake, let cool and make the filling with the pastry bag, as well as a portable navigation system have changed my mind, instead of the cake (40 minutes of cooking, plus at least 20 minutes cooling, plus filling) ... but I thought if I took a roll? In fact, the idea was successful, we say that in twenty minutes is already cooked, you put it in the fridge (I know you do not, but if one is in a hurry and in a hurry, especially if out of the house there are two cats and one of them is called the "pig "It is better to put the stuff in the fridge rather than let it out) Meanwhile mix the mascarpone with the cream Bicerin and then pour over the roll, sweet fatto.Roger I've done in an hour and a half, are saved! !
But no, not to save anything, because I realize that the cream to spread on the roll is too soft, then piping bag in the tray, spatula for me already, but even so the cream was sliding on the roll, damn law of gravity, I covered the roll reciting mantra on one side and trying to remember all the words in all known languages. For God's grace has covered much of the cream roll, however, next time I'll make it firmer. Two hours in the cold at a temperature of 3-4 ° C (the balcony of the house of our friends) and the cream was solidified sweet ... good ... next time I will have all the ingredients in the house but mostly a better idea from the beginning!
But to be an experiment could go worse.

ingredients, the cake could be for six people:

2 tablespoons of chocolate powder;
4 eggs;
100 g of flour;
1 / 2 packet of yeast;
90 g di zucchero;
250 g di mascarpone;
1 cucchiaino di zucchero a velo;
1 cucchiaio abbondante di crema bicerina (150 g );
un paio di cucchiai di latte.

Accendere il forno a 180°C con funzione statico.
Incominciamo a rompere le uova e a mischiarle con lo zucchero, useremo sia l'albume sia il tuorlo.
In una terrina a parte unire: la farina con il lievito e il cioccolato ed aggiungere al primo composto, continuare a mescolare sino a che non sarà omogeneo.
Su una leccarda disporre la carta forno e versare sopra il composto, che risulterà essere molto liquido, infornare per 10-12 minuti.
Per creare il rotolo è need to use another sheet of baking paper soaked with water, not wet, wet!
Spread a towel on the work surface and above the sheet of parchment paper and with a gesture typical of Russian gymnasts, flipped the paper hitting the bake oven, slowly remove the wax paper stuck to our mixture of chocolate and then, without letting it rest begin to roll, not too close if no breaks. Close
candy with a towel and allow to cool (I have put in the fridge) for at least an hour.
In a bowl combine the mascarpone with icing sugar and stir well, add the cream bicerin, my choice was that of a spoon because I did not taste too strong, having a taste pronunciato.Mettere alcohol in the refrigerator and allow to settle.
When the roll will take cold milk (cold) and brush within the same roll (it is important to avoid the effect of brick), then pour half of the mascarpone mixture in trying to cover every point well. Roll up and finish paying the rest of the compound above, if the cream is liquid and you do not hurry, wait, with the cream lasts it will be easier and more beautiful cover.
Let stand in refrigerator a couple of 'hours before eating, I was very good day! I
for garnish I have done some grated dark chocolate over, just for beauty.
Ps: the alcohol taste evaporates.


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