Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Can Woolite Be Used In An He Washer?

Collection buckwheat mon amur.

I'm ready, yes, I'm ready to deal with a collection ... or at least I think, in fact I have nothing to celebrate, my blog will make the year a few month, but I did not want to wait a few months to celebrate the Buckwheat.
I started cereal about this some time ago to make cookies, then the bag is left there until the end, I decided and I tried a recipe I had in Serbian.
I was astonished to try the recipes and do not find them in circulation, buckwheat can be made only pizzoccheri?? But there is no right, this cereal is gluten-free, so it's good for intolerance, has a high biological value, has the highest protein content than any other cereal, also has a high content of fiber and minerals, in short, is an excellent food.
The wonder of this cereal is the hardiness of the plant, which needs no herbicides and is working great in every way very natural.
So I propose a collection of your recipes, there are you? I know, my blog is small but if you give me a hand could reach a large number of recipes.

rules, so if you want to call it are very, very few:

  1. whether or not you followers that I do not care (I hate Contest / collections that compel you to follow a blog that you do not like even to participate), unless you have a blog but send them the recipe, I will publish the source is cited, my e-mail address is plodia@hotmail.it ;
  2. any preparation is fine, as long as there is the main ingredient: buckwheat , in whatever form: flour or peeled;
  3. since the aim is to create a collection and not a race to the prize, all the recipes are good also have been published
  4. the deadline is 20 April at 23.59;

vorrei che esponeste il banner sul vs blog e anche a fine ricetta, più persone lo vedono più possibili ricette avremo.

Non ho mai gestito una raccolta quindi vi chiedo collaborazione, avvertitemi quando inserite una ricetta.
Alla fine creerò un pfd scaricabile...e se lo farò sarà grazie a Ornella , grazie per le dritte!!!
E ora... stupitemi!!

And now the list:


1) biscuits with sage Mountains of biscuits;
2) olives and cheese biscuits Mountains of biscuits;
3) Sgranocchini ginger and savory buckwheat La Gaia celiac;


1) Buckwheat crepes, whirlpool and nuts Mountains of biscuits;
2) dumplings with sauce Formenton little man of gingerbread;
3) Gateau of crepes with mortadella little man of gingerbread;
4) buckwheat dumplings Mountains of biscuits;

1) Scaloppine with chianti and oranges Mountains of biscuits;


1)  Torta rustica al grano saraceno e more di Montagne di biscotti;
2) Un po' di girasole dopo tutta questa pioggia di Pareti di zucchero;
3) Monoporzioni di Pareti di zucchero;
4) Torta di grano saraceno  di Andar a penoni;
5) Muffins al grano saraceno con confettura d'uva di Note di cioccolato;
6) Smoothie muffins with buckwheat flour notes of chocolate
7) Biscotti Buckwheat Mountains of biscuits;
8) Sweet Bread Buckwheat of Cooking with Mau and Lele,
9) buckwheat biscuits and sugar of Cooking with Mau and Lele,
10) buckwheat biscuits and chocolate Francesca V.

Cake, bread

1) Breton Cake with buckwheat and leeks little man of gingerbread;
2) Almond Bread and Fourme Dambert little man of gingerbread;
3) buckwheat nuts and rosemary pies and Thought ;
4) Plum cake with bananas with wheat flour buckwheat, nuts and dried cool notes of chocolate
5) Focaccia cereal soft notes of chocolate


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