Saturday, January 29, 2011

Floor Plans For Yogurt Store

Giochi per l'infanzia nei Paesi Bassi

Cercando giochi per il figlio 3enne, ho trovato 4 Kids 2 Play ( ), dalla grafica molto amichevole e adatta ai bambini piccoli. Il gioco più spassoso (mio figlio rideva a più non posso) è questo del personaggio che deve scapicollarsi per raccogliere le mele che cadono dai rami.
Ci sono tantissimi giochi di tutti i generi e "per tutte le intelligenze multiple", o quasi.
Le categorie dei giochi e delle attività:
  • Brainwork (cliccare sulle tartarughe)
  • Click + Drag  (cliccare sulla lumaca)
  • New  (cliccare sull'elefante)
  • Coloring  (cliccare sui pinguini).
Ci sono inoltre gli Screensavers  (cliccare sul cagnetto) e le E-Cards  (cliccare sul maialino).

Quella linkata sopra è la versione in nederlandese:
C'è anche la versione in inglese:

Best Place For A Screech Owl House

Crearstella January

This is my first creation for the month of January CrearStella.Spero that is to the liking to my combination, now I already have a ideuccia for next month Today I bought what I was missing so I can cominciare.Domani post the photos for the month Alessandra.Buona night of January.

Streets & Trips Navigation Vs Garmin

Convegno a Elmas sull'integrazione

discovered by Maria Grazia Fiore on Facebook:
CONGRESS on School integration - Dario Ianes in Sardinia
Conference on "Integration in the high schools of the Province of Cagliari between tradition and innovation: a reflection of many voices"
Feb. 9 - 9:00 am at the Agricultural Institute of Higher Education "Duca degli Abruzzi" Elmas, CA
be speaking Dario Ianes (my director Erickson)! Enter and you do participate, it will be a training opportunity for all!
Programma  e  scheda di iscrizione .

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To Make Our Voice Sweet And Soft Naturally

La città

Qualche giorno la la classe 2.0 ha ospitato alcuni alunni dell'ultimo anno della Scuola Primaria.
L'attività che segue, svolta alla lim a turno dai bambini, è stata pensata dai miei alunni, coinvolti in un brainstorming, e sistemata su file gwb da me a casa. L'attività è stata poi svolta il 25 Gennaio. I bambini sono stati molto attivi, hanno ipotizzato, osservato, individuato analogie e differenze.
Le ultime due (Voki e XMind) non sono state svolte per problemi di tempo (ritardo nell'arrivo, anticipo nella partenza). La versione with the integration of pupils and in the PC class.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Metallic Taste Canned Foods


Join this candy Sabrina, a doll as a gift Monnalisadolls choice will be very difficult scegliere.Se you want to join you also leave the direct link Expires February 1.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

White Creamy Cervical Mucus Chunky

Scaloppine with Chianti and orange.

few mornings ago when I went to the market I thought, "I certainly will not be scurvy certainly" already because the expenditure was mainly in citrus fruits, do not know about you but my body really needs it, since I love citrus child, my mother did not have time to bring home bags of mandarins, I was able to eat all on the same day, at the end to buy them boxes and if you think I could do in my life and nourishment indigestion once was an orange! This shows my goodies on it.
Well anyway with my 5kg of mixed citrus fruits are picked from the raw milk distributor, had the bottle with me and my bag, I would not normally fitted?
front of me to take the milk was a trio formed by the grandmother and two grandchildren, I have to say that the trio was quite funny, the nonna silenziosa vestita tutta di nero e le bimbe, una più piccina che poteva avere 5 o 6 anni vestita di rosa e la più grande di 8 o 9 anni vestita di viola. Le bimbe quando mi sono avvicinata per far la coda stavano parlando del cellulare e la più grande stava inserendo il tono di chiamata a quella più piccola dichiarando che lei aveva il tono alto se no non sentiva quando la chiamavano Perplesso
Intanto la ragazza del distributore riempiva i due litri richiesti dal trio, una volta finito si è girata e, scusandosi, ha detto loro che aveva finito le buste, la bimba più grande si è girata con aria truce asserendo “come si fa ora?”  con la sua mini borsettina viola appoggiata all’avambraccio.
The girl has turned his gaze on me and my bags, with the air of not knowing what to say, what can you say to a girl who thinks he's a 30-year-old (and I am) making you feel at fault for not have a nonsense? Son burst out laughing saying "I am just this big problem, eh?".
Then you found the grandmother opened her purse and slipping into the two bottles.
I have moved with my milk and my bags laughing ... poor people who meet when the girl has grown!
And now I present to you a meat ... strange but true sometimes eat it too.

370 g of chopped beef;
1 / 4 orange,
a glass of Chianti;
buckwheat flour, flour
olive oil;
40 g butter;
nutmeg, pepper and
Put the orange in a pan, some grated nutmeg and pepper, add the meat basting with wine and a little 'oil. Let marinate for half an hour outside the fridge.
Drain scallops and pat with paper towels.
In a bowl add flour "00" and the same quantity of buckwheat, flour the meat.
In a pan add butter, melt it and add the meat, once turned add a little 'of the marinade and orange slices, finish cooking and voila. Steak Ready!
this recipe also enters the contest Cinzia .
and join to my collection on the buckwheat!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Milena Velva Galleries

Google Earth : Terra = Google Body : Corpo umano?

For weeks, I propose to experiment , but I always held back the fact that Google Chrome asked me to download an update. Today 'I tried and I must say that it is very exciting.
And I also learned: I understand where he is and how it's made the connection that I broke the high school (and I have not adjusted) and as would have been my meniscus if I had not been done meniscectomy (as always quell'infortunio consequence of school that my prof. Ed Even physical complaint).
Well, I tried and I got well pissed, thinking of a certain shallowness of the past school:).
We come to this application: the system of icons is very easy. We can see the skin, muscles, bones, organs, circulatory and nervous system with different levels of transparency, adjustable. We can choose whether to display labels in English with captions. For Science is wonderful.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Gay Bath House Newark Nj

Story creator

application similar to "Build a Fairy Tale" (which I mentioned in the post " Build-a-tale ") is the site / uk / story_creator.html .
Other games are on .

Acheter Patrick Ewing Shoes

Miniera per Infanzia e Primaria (in inglese)

The site contains lots of games for Childhood and Primary School (Anglophone).
Below, we see a monstrosity created by me and my son 3enne with "Scary Souds" which makes potato humanized by "drag and drop.

concern, inter alia :
- recognizing the element bigger / smaller or fatter / thinner, higher / lower etc,
- place the elements in ascending or descending
- the capture elements (butterflies, fish) in the exact number required
- weighing the evidence to find the lightest or the heaviest,
- creating characters,
- the characters to dress according to season ,
- just attach the labels to items such as paints.
A lot of fun activities and educationally valid.

Pokemon Leaf Green On My Psp


Another quick links (I have too many resources in arrears and do not have time to investigate the presentation.
This is a site with games, "Preschool", discovered while searching online games for my son
www.hubbub . com.

Behringer Preamp Boost

Learning Luton the site you can find resources for teaching (dasiti external) according to the criterion of age , as shown in the screen below.
We see the exact link:
- 3-5 years ( ), graphics delicious
- 5-7 years ( )
- 7-11 years ( )
- 11-14 years ( )
- 14-16 years ( ).

My Mom Blocked A Number

Quiz concorso dirigenti

just not attend but here's a useful link for those interested. / resources / bureaucracy / quiz_concorso_dirigenti_scolasti.htm

Pain On Left Side And Peeing A Lot

Che cosa studia un archeologo?

A worksheet introductory archeology is the site of the "Lake County Fprest Preserves", linked to scouting.
The precise link to the worksheet is / docs / WhatArchaeologistStudyWorksheet.pdf .
The first page is the tab for the boys, the second provides the key to correction.

Hotchkiss Spring Break Lacrosse

Rassegna di link Egyptologists

A quick post to report a site discovered recently while looking for information on the tomb of King Tut.
A media center in Cumberland County, New Jersey, provides the page / Ancient_Egypt.htm a collection of useful links for the discovery of ancient Egypt.

Tomba di Nefertari
Tomb of Nefertari

Virtual World: Second Life
Sim: Sunny Breezes
Permit: from Carlolello Zapatero


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Are Boxer Dogs Friendly And Cuddly

Spaetzle or SPACE.

the series when the holidays the doors behind you ...

Yeah because you know that I and my partner do not like too much the New Year celebrations, I am in chaos throughout the day and at night I love recollection of the house, silence, reading, or, trivially, sleep. The few times we've waited they are succeeded by the 24 of all colors, once at 16.30 I was getting ready for the evening friends, he has not seen my glasses that had fallen to the ground and her shoes have intercepted them now ... there I explain how difficult it is to find an open optical December 31 to 17, in each case we found the issue ended up breaking ... the thread that held the lens ... so I am present at the dinner with the sunglasses ... I finished the year with a very good friend, the headache!

The following year I began to feel sick on the 30th, a beautiful congestion, while others were eating fish and shellfish I could only berm of tea. A denti stretti

Ok, the third year we got the soul in pace e abbiamo scoperto una cosa meravigliosa e banalissima: se sei andato a dormire tardi a Capodanno il primo giorno del nuovo anno ti sveglierai tardissimo, da qui la nostra tradizione, a Capodanno nanna presto, il giorno dopo si va a sciare, sono già tre anni che facciamo così e, devo dire, ne val la pena, vi lascio qualche foto prima di continuare si riferiscono al  primo dell’anno 2011 nella Valmaron (Altopiano di Asiago).

SAM_1569 SAM_1582

SAM_1617 SAM_1619


Gli ultimi due Capodanni li abbiamo passati sull’Altopiano di Asiago, e visto la mia immensa golosità, I brought back a recipe, the SPACE is a marvel, this one should have and reproduction, of course there is in my kitchen, but I did not care as I could ... and the recipe was close enough to the original Of course I can say that if Nico would have eaten them all at once, although the portions were 4!


Ingredients for 4:

160 g spinach, boiled and drained;

2 eggs;

250 g of flour, salt

2 slices 1 cm thick bacon;

100 ml of cream.

Boil the spinach and squeeze in a bowl, beat eggs and salt, add these ingredients to the flour, the mixture is very mushy, my problem was the lack of the tool, so I added a little 'flour and I followed the same preparation of potato gnocchi, forming rolls which I then cut with a knife to form the "dumpling" in reality the true SPACE comes from a semi-solid mass, moving into the tool, create the traditional form, youngest and elongated, the taste is the same but of course the texture is different, my parents were a bit 'more Duretti.

Regarding the sauce I could not help but use some bacon bought at Asiago, it was enough to cut two thick slices, cut into strips and brown them in a pan that I then added the cream.

Meanwhile I brought water to the boil slowly for SPACE and I've paid in, of course I forgot to put the salt ... I've come to the surface when they are drained, I did skip the dressing and I SPACE only had time to do the photo to my plate ... I have to thank

recipe Serena I have copied from his blog!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Green Colour After Shave

orange marmalade and cinnamon, the second act.

is because my "drug dealers" orange I brought two boxes of oranges ... one we used for marmalade remained normal and another ... I love the matching orange / cinnamon, unfortunately I had no recipe that could help in this preparation, I had a recipe for bitter orange, one for the orange and lemon, orange and ginger for a short, so on and so forth, but nothing with the cinnamon, then this jam is an experiment well and good, especially good A bocca aperta.
Once you make the jam, I had the time (lately quite scarce) from looking on the web to see how the others had done / and I've found different, but mostly I found recipes for making homemade pectin, which is the pectine, I must try it first because it seems an easy thing easy and the second ... but there is satisfaction in making all by itself?

Ingredients: 2 kg of oranges
1 kg of sugar, 2 packages of
4 whole cinnamon sticks, orange peel
of two kilograms of oranges ... I like to see them in the cookie jar!

The process involves cleaning the oranges, the skin should be deprived of the white and cut into thin strips. Once
will clean boiled for ten minutes, drain and without boiling, drain again and allow to cool. Meanwhile
have finally cleaned up two kilos of oranges and you can pass them in the blender to create a super juice.
Then combine in a pot with the juice and pulp of oranges, pectine, zest, sugar and cinnamon.
must bring the mixture to a boil and cook 6 minutes, in the end it took 10 am, why not splash on me I had to lower orange lapilli. The test can be done to see if the jam is cooked is proof dish, is to pour a teaspoon on a saucer and see if it solidifies or if liquid remains, I love this test because it allows me to eat and jam around the future ...
invasive in sterile jars and turn upside down until cooled completely.
did not know if the 4 cinnamon sticks were invasive, but with a ladle committed suicide inside a jar and justice for the other three states are possessed!
Anyone who knows me knows that I do not like jam too sweet, I admit that the quantity of sugar is high here, but you have to think that the peels tend to create a bit 'of bitter, despite having fired twice, then in my opinion the quantity of sugar is so valuable.

With this recipe to enter the contest just happens Cynthia Bean would say ...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How Many Kilograms Does A Washing Weigh

New Candy Candy bags

Hi girls, I'm lost in the snow, it was a wonderful holiday sin which is already finita,ma per questo dedicherò un'altro post.Vi mostro alcune delle bustine che sto preparando perché le chiedono in continuazione sia delle grandi che delle piccole.Ne ho fotografate qualcuno,ma ne ho fatte tantissime,e ne ho altrettanto da fare.Adesso devo fare anche delle borse in feltro che mi sono state richieste,perché nel mese di dicembre ne avrò fatte 20,e stupida mente non le ho fotografate,ma provvederò quando le faccio quelle nuove,vi volevo anche chiedere se qualcuna di voi mi saprebbe indicare chi vende del feltro da 5 mm grigio antracite. Lo avevo acquistato in fiera a Bologna,ma adesso dalle mie parti non riesco trovarlo,sono disperata.Help. Monica

Lolı Lıtte Models


Join this candy darling of Miro, if you want to join you also leave the direct link: Expires February 13 at midnight.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Can I Invest In Medallion?

to embed test

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Example Of Bussiness Plan Of Chicken Farm

marmalade oranges first act.

This jam is for several reasons:
1, because I love it;
2 nd why ... but I can not tell the story instead of listing in points ??
But you go, read it a bit 'Sorriso.
This story is related to my work. I work in contact with the public and normally do ... which accounts for people who do not like what I have in front of a girlfriend ... but sometimes I have to say many times, I meet intelligent, interesting and funny. That 's what happened this summer, mi sono imbattuta in “Coppia energizer” eheheh, già che coppia ragazzi, ma chi li ferma? Lui ama la montagna quanto il mare, pratica l’arrampicata come la subacquea, lei adora la danza nella quale si impegna duramente, ma fa anche pilates, palestra, insomma un po’ di tutto, ovviamente hanno una no che "coppia energizer" sarebbero!
Essendo due persone molto simpatiche e semplici ci siamo trovati diverse volte a chiacchierare un po’ di questo un po’ di quello, così sono venuta a sapere che lavorano insieme e sono grossisti di frutta e verdura…posso dire che mi si è accesa una lampadina quando l’ho saputo?Ho pensato: “arance, arance, arance…marmellata, marmellata, marmellata” poi sapendo che lui andava in Sicilia la lampadina è diventata un lampione, si l’ho fatto…si si, gli ho chiesto se nel periodo giusto mi avrebbe portato delle arance per fare la marmellata, lo so sono una faccia di tolla, ma al mio posto lo avrebbe fatto chiunque no???? Forse no, ma io ho un grosso faccione di tolla, ho comunque specificato che non le volevo gratis, le volevo solo buonissime ma le avrei pagate.
Ma voi vi potete immaginare delle arance belle, profumate e gustose?Io si... perchè ne ho avuti due plateau.
Il piccolo particolare di tutta questa storia è che non hanno voluto 1€, ma la marmellata in cambio...ora crossing my fingers hoping that they like.

I just have to declare immediately that I am a convinced supporter of pectine and love, I love the little sweet jams and clear, so the idea of \u200b\u200buniting in the same doses of fruit and sugar and cook for 45 minutes makes me come the hives ... also because I would not do just to turn over the mixture all the time without doing another, the evolution cheers!

So the ingredients are: 2 kg of oranges
already clean;
the equivalent of the skin;
1 kg of sugar, 2 packets of

Peel the oranges, taking care pearls for good, in fact, the skins will be cleaned from white, cut into thin strips and boiled twice, taking care to change the cooking water
. White is what gives the bitter taste, most oranges are peeled and the skins very well peel the better the final result. With the blender go
oranges, even here, the more this work is done well, the better the consistency later.
Combine in a deep pan (the mixture should not come to the edge, must remain below five centimeters) past the oranges, pectine, sugar and peel, boil and keep at least six minutes, stirring constantly, spoon me to the test because I am eating a lot of jam before potting ... someone has to make sacrifices right?
To sterilize the jars so I do, I wash them and immerse them in a pot full of water with a towel inside, I let them simmer at least 10 minutes, then pass them in the oven at 100 ° C.
So once dry I fill them with jam and flip them, let them cool and turning them you get the vacuum effect.
I forgot to say two things, first I must thank my two "pushers" of oranges, I hope they like to you the result once tasted.
And secondly, my partner, that in any self-respecting adventure that helps me, it would take me a lifetime to do everything alone, so Thank you very much.

Ps ... sorry I forgot to say that this jam pot I used 12 cans of the capacity of 250g each.