marmalade oranges first act. This jam is for several reasons:
1, because I love it;
2 nd why ... but I can not tell the story instead of listing in points ??
But you go, read it a bit '
This story is related to my work. I work in contact with the public and normally do ... which accounts for people who do not like what I have in front of a girlfriend ... but sometimes I have to say many times, I meet intelligent, interesting and funny. That 's what happened this summer, mi sono imbattuta in “Coppia energizer” eheheh, già che coppia ragazzi, ma chi li ferma? Lui ama la montagna quanto il mare, pratica l’arrampicata come la subacquea, lei adora la danza nella quale si impegna duramente, ma fa anche pilates, palestra, insomma un po’ di tutto, ovviamente hanno una no che "coppia energizer" sarebbero!
Essendo due persone molto simpatiche e semplici ci siamo trovati diverse volte a chiacchierare un po’ di questo un po’ di quello, così sono venuta a sapere che lavorano insieme e sono grossisti di frutta e verdura…posso dire che mi si è accesa una lampadina quando l’ho saputo?Ho pensato: “arance, arance, arance…marmellata, marmellata, marmellata” poi sapendo che lui andava in Sicilia la lampadina è diventata un lampione, si l’ho fatto…si si, gli ho chiesto se nel periodo giusto mi avrebbe portato delle arance per fare la marmellata, lo so sono una faccia di tolla, ma al mio posto lo avrebbe fatto chiunque no???? Forse no, ma io ho un grosso faccione di tolla, ho comunque specificato che non le volevo gratis, le volevo solo buonissime ma le avrei pagate.
Ma voi vi potete immaginare delle arance belle, profumate e gustose?Io si... perchè ne ho avuti due plateau.
Il piccolo particolare di tutta questa storia è che non hanno voluto 1€, ma la marmellata in cambio...ora crossing my fingers hoping that they like.
I just have to declare immediately that I am a convinced supporter of pectine and love, I love the little sweet jams and clear, so the idea of \u200b\u200buniting in the same doses of fruit and sugar and cook for 45 minutes makes me come the hives ... also because I would not do just to turn over the mixture all the time without doing another, the evolution cheers!
So the ingredients are: 2 kg of oranges
already clean;
the equivalent of the skin;
1 kg of sugar, 2 packets of
Peel the oranges, taking care pearls for good, in fact, the skins will be cleaned from white, cut into thin strips and boiled twice, taking care to change the cooking water
. White is what gives the bitter taste, most oranges are peeled and the skins very well peel the better the final result. With the blender go
oranges, even here, the more this work is done well, the better the consistency later.
Combine in a deep pan (the mixture should not come to the edge, must remain below five centimeters) past the oranges, pectine, sugar and peel, boil and keep at least six minutes, stirring constantly, spoon me to the test because I am eating a lot of jam before potting ... someone has to make sacrifices right?
To sterilize the jars so I do, I wash them and immerse them in a pot full of water with a towel inside, I let them simmer at least 10 minutes, then pass them in the oven at 100 ° C.
So once dry I fill them with jam and flip them, let them cool and turning them you get the vacuum effect.
I forgot to say two things, first I must thank my two "pushers" of oranges, I hope they like to you the result once tasted.
And secondly, my partner, that in any self-respecting adventure that helps me, it would take me a lifetime to do everything alone, so Thank you very much.
Ps ... sorry I forgot to say that this jam pot I used 12 cans of the capacity of 250g each.