Saturday, January 22, 2011

Are Boxer Dogs Friendly And Cuddly

Spaetzle or SPACE.

the series when the holidays the doors behind you ...

Yeah because you know that I and my partner do not like too much the New Year celebrations, I am in chaos throughout the day and at night I love recollection of the house, silence, reading, or, trivially, sleep. The few times we've waited they are succeeded by the 24 of all colors, once at 16.30 I was getting ready for the evening friends, he has not seen my glasses that had fallen to the ground and her shoes have intercepted them now ... there I explain how difficult it is to find an open optical December 31 to 17, in each case we found the issue ended up breaking ... the thread that held the lens ... so I am present at the dinner with the sunglasses ... I finished the year with a very good friend, the headache!

The following year I began to feel sick on the 30th, a beautiful congestion, while others were eating fish and shellfish I could only berm of tea. A denti stretti

Ok, the third year we got the soul in pace e abbiamo scoperto una cosa meravigliosa e banalissima: se sei andato a dormire tardi a Capodanno il primo giorno del nuovo anno ti sveglierai tardissimo, da qui la nostra tradizione, a Capodanno nanna presto, il giorno dopo si va a sciare, sono già tre anni che facciamo così e, devo dire, ne val la pena, vi lascio qualche foto prima di continuare si riferiscono al  primo dell’anno 2011 nella Valmaron (Altopiano di Asiago).

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Gli ultimi due Capodanni li abbiamo passati sull’Altopiano di Asiago, e visto la mia immensa golosità, I brought back a recipe, the SPACE is a marvel, this one should have and reproduction, of course there is in my kitchen, but I did not care as I could ... and the recipe was close enough to the original Of course I can say that if Nico would have eaten them all at once, although the portions were 4!


Ingredients for 4:

160 g spinach, boiled and drained;

2 eggs;

250 g of flour, salt

2 slices 1 cm thick bacon;

100 ml of cream.

Boil the spinach and squeeze in a bowl, beat eggs and salt, add these ingredients to the flour, the mixture is very mushy, my problem was the lack of the tool, so I added a little 'flour and I followed the same preparation of potato gnocchi, forming rolls which I then cut with a knife to form the "dumpling" in reality the true SPACE comes from a semi-solid mass, moving into the tool, create the traditional form, youngest and elongated, the taste is the same but of course the texture is different, my parents were a bit 'more Duretti.

Regarding the sauce I could not help but use some bacon bought at Asiago, it was enough to cut two thick slices, cut into strips and brown them in a pan that I then added the cream.

Meanwhile I brought water to the boil slowly for SPACE and I've paid in, of course I forgot to put the salt ... I've come to the surface when they are drained, I did skip the dressing and I SPACE only had time to do the photo to my plate ... I have to thank

recipe Serena I have copied from his blog!


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