Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Diaper Punishment Diciplinr

spicy chocolate biscuits.

Quest'anno ho partecipato allo swap natalizio della muccasbronza, ci ho pensato su una settimana buona, primo perchè so come e quanto lavoro ho da novembre a gennaio e secondo perchè non sapevo se sarei stata all'altezza.
E' stata veramente dura, tanto che non sono riuscita a onorare l'impegno di spedire i pacchi entro il 10 di dicembre ma, haimè l'ho fatto il 15, con conseguente ritardo nella consegna alle mie due compagne Serena e Barbara.
Devo dire però che è una bella scoperta lo swap...l'idea di regalare qualcosa a qualcuno che non si conosce è un bello stimolo, mi ha fatto apprezzare nuovamente la gioia Christmas. I was talking just the other night with a dear friend who wants to be involved at the next opportunity ... it is wonderful to rediscover generous and helpful people almost unknown, really feels good, luck has played a much better game because I've "known" two very different but very heartening, strange adjective? I would say no, I realize how difficult it is to know interesting people with a soul and a brain, so here I am, I found both in one bang! This helps me to think that the world is better than I can imagine sometimes.
course, this swap was a pretext for making biscuits trying again ... poor things glucose thousand with me!
I deeply love the gingerbread, I love them because the combination of cloves and ginger are Gudur for me, I finally got to use the stencil given to me by Elena, I made a lot Gingy (who knows me knows that I also have the Shrek ears. .. sometimes I say they are not so serious) but postponed the gingerbread on the classics, this year I tried this wonder, because if you already love the spices we want to talk about my passion for chocolate?? No perhaps not the case, it would be boring!
So I'll tell you what good are these? But no I feel magnanimous and I write the recipe: o).

225 grams of flour "00";
2cucchiaino powdered ginger;
1 teaspoon cinnamon;
1 / 4 teaspoon ground cloves;
1 / 4 teaspoon of nutmeg;
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa;
125 g of butter, 100g of sugar cane
1 egg, 1 teaspoon baking
200g of dark chocolate;
50 g of sugar, salt

Ok the list is long but the preparation is very simple.
Sift together the flour, the cocoa and spices.
Combine butter soft brown sugar and egg.
Melt two teaspoon of boiling water baking soda.
Break the chocolate, I made the curls.
Add the dry mixture of flour with the butter, add the baking soda and chocolate pieces / chips.
form the ball and put it in the fridge for a couple of hours (the ideal is to make the dough the night before). And now
palliate , yeah, when the mixture is cold, make balls of two inches around, I poured in the sugar and a dish I've dived on the ball (the worker is warm and the sugar stick better) I have placed on a baking tray at 4 / 5 cm apart. Put in refrigerator for 20 minutes (you should always do so in order to stabilize the mixture) and then bake at 180 ° C for 12 minutes, the index proper cooking are the cracks that form, drugs are a hot, cold I do not know ... there arrived in my case.

As this will be my last post for this year I wish you a peaceful and successful 2011 full of joy and prosperity.
thank those wonderful people in the seven months of the blog have supported me, who knows if this new cook can ever become a good cook!
hug you all.


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