Uhhhh sponsored oil now??
No I assure you that it is not so now I'll explain:
today I received an email from the staff of the oil Sasso, well I found interesting, I do not know if I will participate with my shot but I'm happy to spread this good initiative.
Hello Lia,
are clearly Viralbeat and I deal with online marketing, please.
We are working to Sasso www.oliosasso.it that on the occasion of his 150th birthday has created a project that I hope will interest you.
with communication activities for its olive oil, Sasso, has always tried to maintain a strong relationship with the visual arts, originality, humor and creativity. In line con il suo stile, per il suo 150°anniversario, ha ideato un progetto dedicato ad una forma d’arte moderna e molto vicina alle persone: la fotografia .
Da qui nasce 150 Primavere con Sasso, il cui punto di partenza è una mostra fotografica itinerante che ha portato nelle piazze italiane le immagini della primavera e i suoi valori di gioia, risveglio e leggerezza, da sempre il linea con i valori di Sasso.
La mostra itinerante è terminata, ma continua on line sul minisito dedicato all’iniziativa www.150primavere.it e ciascuno, con i propri scatti, può contribuire alla creazione della photo gallery uploading their images on the dedicated channel on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/groups/150primavere/ .
The photograph must enclose his own, personal interpretation of spring, light, prosperity, joy, beauty, awakening the senses!
already taken may be an image or a new release.
uploading your pictures by February 28, 2011, you have the opportunity to take part in a special selection : an expert jury, headed by ' Contrasto, will select, in fact, the best pictures that will customize the limited edition tin of the historic Sasso Olive Oil
opportunity to demonstrate their talent and, perhaps, to start a new adventure in photography.
I hope that the news might be interested and I would be grateful if you write to your blog to raise awareness of this initiative is also to your readers.
I am at your disposal for further information and am waiting for your kind reply.
Chiara Chiara Puglia
Manager Phone: 089 2148572 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 089 2148572 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Skipe: Chiara Puglia
Corso Umberto I, 158
84013 Cava de' Tirreni - Salerno (Italy)
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