Thursday, December 2, 2010

Enlargen Liver Andspleen

Monte, Apuan.

Ecco qui il retro della medaglia, sì, decisi di aprire il blog per ricominciare a parlare un po’, in questi anni mi sento un po’ riccio, chiusa nel mio mondo con tanti aculei per evitare di rimanere fregata dall’ennesimo rapporto umano, quindi quando decisi di aprirne uno tutto mio mi si presentò un problemuccio…che nome?
Già perché nella precedente formazione del blog non potevo esprimere tutta la mia persona, ogni post should be relevant to the kitchen and I will not say any more, so when I started my journey alone I thought that was my blog, I ran it as they see fit and that's it, putting everything that I thought ... ummm But I stopped my book kitchen staff, a bit 'because I'm always been a shoe to make pictures and a little' for other reasons (if I think I do not even come to mind). In any case, when you choose the name of the blog I wanted to combine my two passions, mountain and gluttony, hence mountains of cookies. Then enter
also my first post on the mountain and begin from Tuscany and snow, it was a beautiful day, indeed a beautiful weekend with another couple to the square of the Manu ... well she called him Manuela and Manuel you expected??
Up to eight years ago I had no idea where they were the Alps, then I found myself studying and experiencing them, the thing that basically affects the eye see the sea and the mountains, in Piedmont from the mountain you can see how many other mountain or a glacier, but never the sea, so for me the charm of these mountains is this detail. And here

We reached the summit because it was dangerous, because already we had to travel to get there that bridge, covered with snow, and although you do not understand, the bridge is quite narrow, so we avoided as a precaution, we will return to thaw!

Over there you see the sea?

And then ... the wild horses and those who had ever seen them? Wonderful horses just, peaceful, looking for something good to nibble on.

Relaunch with three deer a short distance from the horses.

The Ninth left, Procinto (the cake in half) and the Children (spurs on the right)? And then ...

kids! This was lovely, was not moving!

Unlike the latter, I do not know if he had drunk a bottle of Prozac, but it was still for a moment, she took pampering by everyone, but it has a nice nose?
Here, the picnic is over in our bar with a hood and cake ... what a pleasure going to the mountains!


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